
Latest Updates

Office Hours

The church office is open: The church will be closed for the following Holidays in 2024:

Elim Hope Packs

The Missions Committee would like to partner again with Elim to help with their HOPE Packs program. Faith UMC has been participating in this program for many years. Our goal this year is to once again supply enough HOPE Packs (with school supplies) for every student at Springfield School in Midlothian. Several years ago, we […]

Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursdays is on hiatus for the summer! We will resume in the fall, when we hope you will once again be able to join us for devotion, games, snacks and drinks, and a good time. Contact Dorothy Wertzbaugher at 708-370-7504 with any questions.

The Chosen

March meeting times will be March 4th and March 18th at 6pm. We’ll use the same structure we used in the previous bible study: watch video, small groups discussion and then the whole group discussion. Bring your own drink and a snack to share. If this is something that you would be interested in joining, […]

Men’s Bible Study

This Bible Study group meets via Zoom each Wednesday evening at 6:30PM. We are studying 1 Kings, using the study guide, “1 and 2 Kings,” published by LifeChange. Questions? Contact Dale Carver @

Thankful Thursday – Volunteers Needed

Faith Kids Newsletter

Click here to see the latest edition of Faith Kids Newsletter: March Newsletter, April Newsletter

Worship Schedule

Click here to see details of the worship schedule.

Connection Cards

If you’re joining us for online worship, please sign in using our virtual Connection Card, found on our website ( You can also share prayer requests on the Connection Card.

Home Communion Team

Faith is offering communion to our home-bound family and friends. When: after weekend services on the 1st Sunday of the month. If you’d like to help, contact Director of Congregational Care, Jim Sandberg.