Children and Families

Do you ever wonder why Jesus specifically called out, “Let the Children Come”? He didn’t say, one child by name. In an essence, he was speaking to all of us. Helping us all realize that we are all his children and nothing should stand in the way of our relationship with God, no matter where we are in our life.

Faith United Methodist Church believes in nurturing the relationship with God from children all throughout adulthood.  We provide safe care for them while they are infants through toddlers as well as in Sunday School and through plenty of activities as they grow! There are tons of activities all throughout the year for almost every interest out there.  Most extra activities are even free of charge.  All of the activities help children learn how God wants to be part of our lives in every way.  And as we grow, our relationship with God grows as well.

Here at Faith United Methodist Church our children and their safety is of the highest priority. We want you, as a parent, to be comfortable during the service, knowing your child is safely in God’s hand. All of our volunteers that work with children have a background check and go through our additional “Safe Sanctuary” training.

Amanda, Director of Family Ministries, sends out monthly emails for families, you can check your spam folder of your email if you have not seen it yet, or view it and subscribe to it with this link (

  • Fleadh Parade
    Faith will be participating in the Oak Forest /Crestwood Fleadh Parade on Saturday, March 1st. We are looking for participants to carry the banner and hand out candy. Candy donations are needed to hand out. We will meet at the church at 9 am. The parade steps off at 11am and will go down Central… Read more: Fleadh Parade
  • Family Ministries News
    Happy February Faith Families, What comes to mind when you think of February? For me a few things. Love is a funny thing and has a couple of different definitions in the Greek language. “Storge” is unconditional love that a parent has for their child. Some days I joke, I love those 6 kids of… Read more: Family Ministries News
  • Faith Family Fun
    This month’s Faith Family Fun will be on Sunday, January 26th from 12:00pm-1:30pm. Pizza, drinks, and snacks will be provided. All are welcome. Questions? You can call or text Ms. Amanda at (708) 268-9235 or email her at
  • Arts Alive!
    Arts Alive (formerly Artivity) returns on Friday, January 31st from 6pm to 7:30pm. Once a month we will learn about an artist then make a piece of art in their medium. It is a fun and interactive evening learning and creating together. In May we will gather our artwork and sell it at an art… Read more: Arts Alive!
  • Watch our Children’s Nativity Pageant
  • Confirmation
    Calling all 7th and 8th graders! Confirmation classes begin on Sunday, October 13th. Classes will be every Sunday from 6:00pm to 7:00pm at Faith United Methodist Church (15101 S. 80th Ave, Orland Park, IL 60462) in Room 20. Pastor Conway and Pastor Caitlyn Nesbit (Palos UMC) will be teaching the classes. If interested, please contact… Read more: Confirmation