Our Fall ’24 small groups book study will be Half Truths by Adam Hamilton. They are simple phrases. They sound Christian–like something you might find in the Bible. We’ve all heard these words. Maybe we’ve said them. They capture some element of truth, yet they miss the point in important […]
Kick-off Sunday is September 8th. We will be having backpack blessings for anyone who goes to school at both the 9 AM & 11 AM services and kids will return to Sunday School. Between services we will have Taste of Faith, which will return to it’s regular first Sunday schedule […]
This year’s Tee Up for Youth golf outing will be mini-golf at Tinley Junction Mini Golf (80th Ave & 170th Pl, Tinley Park) starting at 12:00 PM, followed by a dinner and a silent auction back at Faith. Schedule 12:00 PM – Beginning of Tee Times 3:30 PM – Magician […]
The Chosen study is excited to share Season 4 with you. It was just released in May. Meetings are all at 6:00pm in Room 14. Following is the schedule for the rest of 2024: Date Episode Length August 5 E1: Promises 56:08 minutes August 19 E2: Confessions 1 hour, 23 […]
This year’s theme for Vacation Bible School is Camp Firelight Summer Camp. VBS will be held June 24th to June 28th from 6-8:30 PM. It is open for children in Preschool (ages 3 and up, must be fully potty trained) up to children who have just completed 5th Grade. VBS […]
Pastor Conway will be leading a four week Bible study based on Bad Girls of the Bible: And What We Can Learn from Them by Liz Curtis Higgs. The study will meet on Sundays at 12:30 PM starting May 19th. No book is needed, just bring your Bible. For more questions, contact […]
The delayed 2020 General Conference of the United Methodist Church will be held in Charlotte, North Carolina from April 23rd to May 3rd, 2024. Some major decisions will be made that will affect the United Methodist Church as a whole, including regionalization, disaffiliations, and possible changes to both the Book […]
We are inviting you to travel with Jesus “In the Footsteps of the Savior,” a book and study guide written by Max Lucado. The Study will begin the week of Feb 11th and run thru March 23rd. The books and the study guides are $12 each and are available for […]
SATURDAY, JANUARY 209 A.M. – 3 P.M. OAK LAWN: FIRST UMC (10000 CENTRAL AVENUE, OAK LAWN, IL.) REGISTRATION FEE: $10 LUNCH INCLUDED (AGES 36+) UNDER 35: FREE Children, Youth and Young Adults Receive Gift Cards for Participating! SCHEDULE: CLASSES:PICK ONE TOPIC PER SESSION Register online at https://na.eventscloud.com/ereg/newreg.php?eventid=783038& Questions? Contact Dr. Audrea F. Nanabray, ananabray@umcnic.org
It is time to refresh our family ministries programming and determine what is important to our Faith families now. Please take our Google survey to give your input and help us determine our direction. The survey is available now through Sunday, February 11th. To take the survey, please email Liz Brice at […]
This Bible Study group meets via Zoom each Wednesday evening at 6:30PM. We are studying 1 Kings, using the study guide, “1 and 2 Kings,” published by LifeChange. Questions? Contact Dale Carver @ aonemanshow@comcast.net/762-218-7657