This year’s theme for Vacation Bible School is Camp Firelight Summer Camp.
VBS will be held June 24th to June 28th from 6-8:30 PM. It is open for children in Preschool (ages 3 and up, must be fully potty trained) up to children who have just completed 5th Grade.
VBS 2024 registration is OPEN, sign up at
There are many ways to get involved with Vacation Bible School:
VBS Work Days
- Wednesday, June 5th 10:00am-12:00pm
- Thursday, June 6th 6:00pm – 8:00pm
- Friday, June 14th 10:00am – 12:00pm
- Saturday, June 15th 10:00am – 3:00pm
Come ready to help cut, paint, sort, assemble, and decorate. All Supplies will be provided.
Donate Supplies
There is a supply board in the Narthex with items needing purchased for VBS.
Grab a tag and bring the items back and drop it off in the bin marked VBS Camp Firelight.
Items are needing to be returned by June 3rd.
Volunteer at VBS
We still have a few opportunities available to help during the week of VBS. (If you can only be there part of the time, that is ok, we can find a spot for you.)
We still need Small Group Camp Councilors, Security, Registration, and Thursday night Nursery.
Sign-ups are outside room 4.
Questions? Contact Amanda Steenvoorden at 708-268-9235 or