Lenten Small Groups

We are inviting you to travel with Jesus “In the Footsteps of the Savior,” a book and study guide written by Max Lucado. The Study will begin the week of Feb 11th and run thru March 23rd. The books and the study guides are $12 each and are available for purchase before and between services or in the church office during the week.

As you see the places where Jesus actually walked and ministered, you will deepen your connection with the King of the universe who became the Savior on the cross. The study will cover the following:

  1. Capernaum - Following Jesus when you doubt
  2. Sea of Galilee - Following Jesus in your storms
  3. Mount of Beatitudes - Following Jesus when you worry
  4. Temple Steps - Following Jesus... and only Jesus
  5. Garden Tomb - Following Jesus when you need hope
  6. Caesarea - Following Jesus when you need grace

If you would like to lead or join a group, contact Kitty Chapple via email at ktchapple@ameritech.net. Sign up sheets are also available at the Welcome Center.

(posted January 18, 2024)