Rolf Moan

Rolf Moan

As Chancel Choir Director, Rolf prepares music to be presented at the 9:00 a.m. service. This entails researching music and rehearsing the choir during its season (September through May) to connect with the scripture/sermon each week.  He also directs or works with special music programs that are scheduled during the Christmas and Easter seasons.  In addition to the choir, he assists in scheduling special music during the summer months.

Rolf is a retired high school choral director. He is a member of MENC and ACDA organizations of the music community, USGA of the golfing community and is committed steward to his YARD and GARDEN throughout the year.

The openness and friendliness of the church membership as a whole and the choir members specifically has always been the most enjoyable and appreciable aspect of Faith UMC.