Amanda Steenvoorden
Amanda Steenvoorden is a lifelong member of Faith United Methodist Church. She has 6 of her own ranging from 23 years old down to 5 years old, with her husband of 25 years. She has lived in Orland Park her whole life and now gets to raise her kids in the familiar area. Amanda attended North Central College and earned her Bachelors of Arts in Religious Studies and Minor in Leadership Organization.
Amanda brings a great deal of experience with children over the years. She has been involved with many aspects of the Children’s Ministry program on a volunteer basis. Amanda had taught Sunday School for over 25 years. She had volunteered at VBS for 21 years as the Storyteller, Music leader, Assembly leader, and Group leader. This year she directed our VBS program.
Amanda is looking forward to bringing fun and meaningful programs to Faith’s Families, Congregation, and the surrounding Communities.