Hello Church!
The Memorial Committee would like to invite you to honor the memory of loved ones by giving a donation to the church in their Memory. This can be done at any time. The funds are then requested by various committees in the church to help them out with new purchases if their budget gets low.
In 2024 the Memorial Committee approved spending $5,256.70 in helping out various needs in our church. The following things were purchased:
- New Christmas tree
- Tablecloths for serving tables
- Server backup computer to improve streaming experience
- New desk chair for the church administrator
- 100 small American flags to decorate property
- Optical zoom camera & accessories
Fill out and send in your donation and drop it in the plate at the end of the church service or give to Sally or Theresa in the church office. There are special Memorial envelopes available in the office.
Your Memorial Committee Members are: Tom and Terri Goforth, Joan Gruetzmacher, Rich Jones, Judy Iwinski, Rita Schuldt, Marla Smith, Lynda Odigie, Ron Taylor and Pat Loebe, chairman.
Hope all of you had a wonderful 2024 and are ready for an even greater 2025! All on our committee look forward to serving the needs of the church.
Pat Loebe
Chairman Memorial Committee