Family Ministries News

Dear Faith Families,

Happy New Year!!!! Did you make it to Midnight? I can almost guarantee, I did not, lol. December was an amazing month as we celebrated the birth of Jesus. Santa Jamboree had over 100 kids come to see Santa. We tried a new time and food and both seemed to have been a great success. Thank you to everyone who helped make the day so much fun for everyone to enjoy. I could not have done it without all of your support. We also had our first Children’s Christmas Pageant in many years. The kids did such an amazing job, I could not have been more proud of them. A big thank you to my mom helpers Adrienne, Allison, & Hannah who helped with the kids. Kitty Chapple did a wonderful job hemming the costumes for our little actors. Lastly, I have to send a huge shout out to my husband, Werner Steenvoorden, for making a beautiful, safe stable and being the BEST King Herod there ever has been. He not only did a great job, but he truly CRACKED ME UP to my soul! Thank You so much for being such a great husband.

So what does January look like for Faith Families, maybe a little quieter?

Sunday School will begin again January 12th @ both 9am & 11am.

Connect: Jr & Sr High Youth Group – January 12 @ 7pm – 8pm

Family Fun Sunday: January 26 @ 12pm-1:30pm

RETURNING ARTIVITY: January 31 @ 6pm-7:30- once a month we will learn about an artist then make a piece of art in their medium. It is a fun and interactive evening learning and creating together. In May we will gather our artwork and sell it at an art show and donate the proceeds to a local charity. I can’t wait to create together.

I pray everyone has a wonderful and safe new year. If you’ve set a new year’s resolution, AWESOME. If you haven’t, AWESOME. If you’ve broken it already, AWESOME, lol.

Remember to enjoy life and love yourself, because God loves you no matter what!



Amanda Steenvoorden

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