Have spare time on your hands, want to get involved with your church family? Think about volunteering for one of our church committees. A lot of the committees only meet once a month or every other month or once a year. With more volunteers the less work required of each. Below is a list of all the committees and the level of commitment required for each. If you have additional questions, please see Sandy Ward. If you’d like to join a committee, please contact Sandy Ward or fill out a nominations form (available on the church website or at the Welcome Center)
Christian Education – plan and provide programs and small groups for adult education (meets periodically)
Endowment Fund – manage and oversee distribution of the Endowment Fund (meets every other month)
Fellowship – provide social opportunities for building and strengthening relationships within church family (meets periodically)
Finance -establish annual budget and monitor church finances (monthly)
- Counting Team – count and record weekly offering (weekly/2 teams/every other month)
Hospitality – manage Taste of Faith
Igniting Ministry
- Congregational Caring Ministry
- Care Cards – send out birthday and care cards
- Food for Faith Families – organize meals for people with a short-term need (illness, surgery, grief, etc)
- Funeral Committee – organize funeral meals
- Funeral Steward – liaison between church and funeral family
- Home Communion Team – provides communion for home bound
- Stephen’s Ministry – one on one congregational care ministry
- Welcoming Ministry
- Greeters – greet people before the church service
- Ushers – facilitate church service (help visitors, pass out bulletins, collect offering etc.)
Lay Leaders – serve as congregational liaison and resource for pastor(s) and church leadership
Membership – keep accurate account of church membership (meet once a year)
Memorial – manage and oversee distribution of Memorial Gifts (meet as needed by Zoom)
Mission – organize missional opportunities into the community and larger world (meets quarterly)
Nomination – connect people to committees/ministry teams that match their gifts, talents, and interests (meets once a year)
Publicity – promote Faith UMC (programs/activities) into the community (meets as needed)
Safe Sanctuary – provide safe sanctuary training and background checks on all volunteers working with children/youth (meets once a year)
Staff Parish Relations Committee – encourage and support the ministry of pastor(s), and paid church staff (meets once a month)
Trustees – manage and maintain church property (grounds and buildings) (meets once a month)
- Altar Decorations – decorate the altar (as needed)
- Audio-Visual – ensure effective communication/use of technology /website (weekly/rotating basis)
- Banner Steward – decorate the sanctuary with banners (as needed)
- Baptism Steward – serve as liaison for individual/families before baptism (as needed)
- Celebration Sunday – organize periodic Celebration Sundays (as needed)
- Chancel Choir – offer musical gifts in church service (traditional service) (weekly)
- Communion Servers – offer communion during worship services (once a month)
- Communion Element Stewards – prepare and set up communion elements (once a month)
- Greeters – extend hospitality and welcome as people enter into church building (occasionally)
- Lay Worship Leaders – assist with scripture, announcements, and prayers during worship services. (quarterly)
- Praise Teams – offer musical gifts at contemporary service (weekly)
- Puppet Ministry – communicate gospel through use of puppets (once a month)
- Ushers – distribute bulletins, pass offering plates, offer direction/help during services (weekly-rotating basis)
Family Ministries – supports director of Family ministries (as needed)
United Men of Faith/Promise Keepers – foster spiritual growth, community involvement, & service to the church (monthly)
United Women in Faith – connect & nurture women to improve lives of women, children & youth (occasionally)
Special Needs – provide programs for adults with special needs (monthly)
Safety – establish policies & procedures to ensure safe environment (1 to 2 times a year)