Spring Service Trip

We are opening up our Confirmation Service trip to all students. This is happening April 21-22 and would cost $50 per student. The church is willing to cover half of the cost so families would pay $25 per student (additional scholarships may be available, just let Jamie know and we can work something out).

This experience would be 1 overnight and we would share space with another youth group. We would leave on Friday afternoon, stay overnight, and leave Saturday afternoon/evening. We would be in an apartment building solely dedicated to visiting groups. Our specific experience will be tailored to us, so specific details still need to be worked out, but there would likely be a physical aspect (us physically helping either with the free shop or soup kitchen) as well as an educational aspect (likely learning about homelessness). This trip will be eligible for service hours.

If your child is interested, Jamie would need to know by February 15th at the latest. You can email her at kids@faithumcop.org to let her know or register your child through the link below or the paper forms located near the bulletin boards outside Room 4.

Registration form

(posted February 9, 2023)